Saturday, August 27, 2011

Pornography is a Ticking Time Bomb......

Read six things you should know regarding the devastation caused by the Ticking Bomb. The Collateral Damage is staggering!  Addiction to pornography has reached pandemic proportions in our country. And t is not limited to just men or those outside the church. In the past ten years we have seen the numbers climb at mind warping speed. If you are part of the statistics below...stop now and read carefully and slowly...There is help.....
A comprehensive two-year study by Alexa research…has revealed that based on their searching habits....“Sex” was the most popular term for which people searched.  Of all the terms searched for online, 0.3289% - or roughly 1 of every 300 terms, were “sex.” 

A nationwide survey of 1,031 adults conducted by Zogby International and Focus on the Family, found that 20 percent of the respondents - which represents as many as 40 million adults - admitted visiting a sexually-oriented web site.  Thirty-seven percent of males between the ages of 18-24 admitted they had visited sex sites.  Almost 18 percent of those who identified themselves as Christians and 18 percent of married men also admitted viewing these sites. 

Of the people we encounter that are “hooked” on Pornography most tell us the following. “I do my devotions/quiet time, and attend church regularly. I belong to an accountability group and even went forward and confessed it to the church. But, it just does not work.

Now, some would say these folks are just not saved.

          Here are six things you should know.....
  • As you can see from the statistics above, you are not alone
  • Your behavior does not determine your identity.
  • You can certainly be saved and “hooked” simultaneously
  • God loves you no more or less if you do or if you do not!
  • Help is available if you truly desire it
  • I am praying for you, maybe even as you read this blog post.

Come on, take that first

Saturday, August 20, 2011

When Deliverance from sin is not enough...............

Why are there so many Christians that are indeed freed from sin still Bound by Religion? There are perhaps multiple reasons but I believe the major reason is a lack of understanding of Romans chapter seven.
The fact Paul uses marriage as an illustration to make his point seems to cause some confusion for many. The passage is not about marriage, but about deliverance from the Law and performance to meet it’s demands. I  hope this short preview will compel you to study the chapter and ask Father to show you it’s true meaning and application for your Life.

Here are some clues for your study

  • Romans six is about freedom from our sins
  •  Romans seven is about deliverance from the law.
  •  We are as powerless to acquire freedom from the Law as we were to find freedom from or sins.
  •  Why are there two husbands and one wife mentioned
  •  Soak in verses two through four....what is Paul saying
  •  Romans seven teaches us that not only were our sins dealt with at the cross but, we as sinners were dealt with as well. Compare Galatians 2:20. You might call this “Two sides” of the Cross.
  • This is about the time we start thinking ...WOW, I need to do something  for God because He has done so much for me..... and this is where The Law captures us.This begins a cycle of trying to “DO” the will of God, “Failing”, “Trying” harder and then failing again.
Now, if you are sufficiently challenged and want to know more drag out your Bible, iPhone or iPad and soak in Romans chapter seven. As you read, ask Father to open your eyes and ears to what He is saying to you. If you still have questions you can email me or read the book I have posted below.

Essential reading:
The Normal Christian Life
By Watchman Nee

Or, you can just Google it and find several Free PDF Versions.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Do your “Default settings” need to be Reset?

A default, in computer science, refers to a setting or value automatically assigned to a software package, computer or device and assumes there will be no user intervention or changes. These settings may also be called “Presets”.  So, what’s the point.? They are intended to operate correctly “out of the Box”...No “Tinkering” needed!  When we become part of the family of God, He creates in us “Defaults or “Presets” as well. And like electronic devices the “Defaults” are best left alone.

We all know what happens if you “mess” with the settings beyond your ability. Everything gets out of whack! Things don’t work like they should. The views are distorted. The device may operate slower, behave erratically or even “crash”. The remedy is often found in returning the device to it’s default settings.

In real Life, when we mess with the “Defaults” God has given us the same effects begin to surface. Being men, “we” try to fix it by continuing to mess with the settings.The reason we continue messing with them is we think the “issue” we see is the problem. This however, is a deception of the enemy. The “issues” we see are only the symptoms of the  real problem. We are operating outside our “defaults”. And it will only get worse until we recognize and address the root or core issue and return to the “Defaults”. So, what do we do to get back on track?

Here are four suggestions:

 1- Stop messing with the settings like trying to read your bible more, pray more, try harder, promising to stop or change or go to church more. More activity will only take you in the same direction until you change it.

 2- “Put your hands in your pockets”. Not literally, just get your hands off of it. Now, get quiet and ask Father. “I am struggling with (you fill in your blank)”... “what do you want to say to me about this?” or Lord, what do I need to know about this?” or "Lord what would you have me do?” He wants to answer, we just need to stop and listen.

 3- Refer to the Owners Manual for the “Default” settings. Here are a few suggestions. Romans 5:10, Romans 6:6, II Corinthians 5:17,21 Galatians 2:20, Galatians 5:16. And notice the order of events in Galatians 5:16 it is essential.

 4- And finally, call a consultant. Your Pastor, a trusted who will first listen but then, tell you what you need to hear rather than what you want to hear. Here’s a novel idea send me an email. That’s why I do this blog.

Once you have restored the “Defaults” the view will become crystal clear! Things will run more smoothly and you will experience peace, maybe for the first time in a long time.......

Do your “Defaults” need Resetting?

Essential Reading for every man or woman:
Classic Christianity by Bob George

In under a minute you could be reading on your iPad or Kindle.